Insurance Speak is brought to you This weekly show hosted by in-the-know insurance journalists delivers insight and analysis from top industry experts and P&C professionals.
The history of the National Association
of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) reaches back nearly eight
decades to a time when independent producers first began to
recognize the value of peer-to-peer networking, education and
support. Similarly, the insurance industry publications that gave
birth to boast more than a century of
providing actionable insights for P&C insurance industry
professionals. Each year since 2017, these two hallmark
insurance-industry operations have come together to field the
Independent Insurance Agent Survey, an annual look at the
challenges and needs of today's producers. Here, PIA National CEO
Mike Becker talks about how this annual research partnership
ultimately fosters valuable resources for insurance
Here's a link to the 2024 Independent
Insurance Agent Survey...
Insurance Speak is brought to you by This weekly show hosted by in-the-know insurance journalists delivers insight and analysis from top industry experts and P&C professionals.